Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Toy Con 2011

One of the "Big" events that's held here on the Philippines. Toy Con features more toys than Tagcon, more shops and more broke wallets than the previous cons combined (okay I was being exaggerated xD)

Monday, July 4, 2011

New Project Wangun Layout

Hey there sorry for the lack of posts these past weeks, with school work and other things to worry about, and also a certain Final Fantasy 8 that's been keeping me from making any decent posts on this blog of ours..

I should had posted my report about Toy Con 2011, the overdue 00[Q] review, and a Nu Gundoom review also haha blame it on that awesome game xD. ( will be doing it soooooooon though)

Anyways a big shout out and a big thank you for my cousin Kim who made the new layout, you can also check his blog for how he did this plus tips and tricks on Photoshop, CSS3, and just about almost anything :D

well I'll end it here for now got some work to do and I'll see you guys next time

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